I just deleted my Lineage Zero folder and am currently re-downloading it so that I can take part in the ToI and Ivory Tower updates. I have heard that they both have some decent hunting areas and I plan on trying it out myself. Maybe it will even give me a few changes of scenery fore fights? I figured I would take the little bit of down time to make another post as I promised in my last post!
I have been keeping busy, both in-game and real life, since getting back from holiday. In-game I have joined Verge's Green and Greedy pledge. Verge is strange, as anyone that watches global will know, but I enjoy him thoroughly, and it makes hunting less of a grind having people that are talking and joking around with each other. He is also very loyal to help out his lasting members. It is a bit of a start-up pledge as of right now, but people are grinding and trying to gear up, and having lots of fun along the way.
I do my best to help my friends out in the pledge and also do my best to keep them from being bothered too much from the people that we fight (we fight a lot of people...probably due to OverKill and me Lol). We currently fight Family, Lovers, Mania (more to come on this later in the post, but to sum it up: I like Mania a lot and wish we didn't fight lol), and that pledge with the pink emblem...the one that Dangoon runs.
*Side note: Dangoon is either related to or really good friends with SweetDream (4th highest knight on server and member of Family). We hit the pink hearts because they constantly are helping SweetDream and Family. START refuses to his them as of right now, but I don't.
Currently, Green and Greedy reminds me slightly of Road Family from the end of LoA, except better because I am in it. And also better because Camas (TT on Zero) is not in it. We are our own pledge and have our own rules, but we also team up with START to help at fights and sieges. I am not sure where this will go in the long run. Maybe we can continue to be two separate pledges that help each other, or maybe we all join into START...I am not really sure.
We are also keeping an eye on people that randomly jump into fights against us once we are already outnumbered...this happens surprisingly often. People that we have never hit or attacked will just start attacking us as long as we already have 2-3+ other people hitting us. You will also end up getting hit. *Looks at Swordy...
Verge's sexy emblem.I also am a full blooded START member. I join them for big fights and sieges, or if I feel like wearing an S on my Chest (shout out to Lil Wayne). Thanks If and the rest of the START team for allowing me to bounce around while we are getting Green and Greedy up and running.
Dakiyen is learning well^^.
AbyssElf. I liked this santa hat pledge. They were a small pledge that teamed with Family. Sort of a counter to Green and Greedy...but then they gave up and joined Family...where they continue to blow.
Cu (Mania). I wasn't even hitting CU, but as you can see from the SS. There is a final burn on the screen, and also my CB proc. He final burned me and then on his next hit he got my CB. End lol.
Dunlop (Mania).
Hoot. MVP!
Lethal (santa hat).
LTD (Santa hat).
Nicki. Note to chao makers...don't go pink.
Sakura (Mania). This kill was funny to me. I killed Sakura in Goras. Then I went CoI back at the start of Goras again and waited for him to come back. He came back with Sherlock (v.v) and Cu. I followed them in CoI until they had a lot of mops on them then I got an archer to pop me out of CoI. Stun done. Then I left before his higher level friends could even get to me lol. Sneaky points...+10.
Heart pledge!
Zeenya (Mania).
About Mania. I really like this pledge. After talking to Sherlock a lot we found he is extremely cool. They also have ASU as one of their members, and he was a good friend from LoA. We tried to make peace and be friends, which worked for a short while, but the rest of Mania (the non-ASU/Sherlock members) became angry that we were at peace, and they missed the fun of fighting us. I agree, fighting is the best part of this game. So we decided to be friends in town and enemies on the field. It is good for both Green and Greedy and Mania. It allows us motivation to level and a pretty equal enemy for both of us to fight, unlike Family that has way more members, levels, and items then us lol. Good luck Mania, and let's have some PvP fun^^.
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