Sunday, November 6, 2011

Here we go~!

Blog love from MadMonkey^^.
I have been farming the pages down on L4 the last little while. I was finally able to get all the unsealed ones.

Then I collected the remaining ingredients.

And now I have my new sword. Woot woot. I kept my old one for when I got chaotic. Unfortunately I am chaotic a lot, so I will only use this about 1/2 the time haha. I guess I will work on regaining law a lot more.

RaztaKeke. I got knocked out of CoI by the mop, and then stun killed this kid. Just something to pass the time and have some fun, but...

He went crazy on me lol.


AuraElf. This kid is in RaztaKeke's pledge. All the kids with Aura in their name and title are in his pledge I think.

Celestial. The mops killed him^^.

This kid whispered me to be in my pledge. I told him I am not royal. The next time there was a fight he was hitting me lol. Bad choice.

Coffe. Elves in Family seem to love this little corner. Hides them pretty well until they get stuck and die ha.


Doll. I tried to get hit out of CoI by the mops and stun kill this kid. It all worked out other than the mop got the last hit. He still died though haha.






Killallot. This guy has his main in X-Rated. He was bothering me while I was farming the mage room 2f Lasta. He died more than this, but not worth tossing them all up haha.

LadyGaga. Toxic what happened? Killed your own pledge haha.








Oso. The champion elf of Family haha.



Raccoon. This guy got really mad about his death too. Covert started hitting him at top because he was a 70+ with no pledge, and Covert was mad or something haha. Raccoon ended up being pretty strong so I went Top in CoI and Covert detected me out. DH tele'd in right as Raccoon got stunned, and the two elves dropped him fast. Then Raccoon went raging...DH has more info on his blog about it.

RalphLauren. Same as LOA? Idk either...






Warning. Hot 97 goes down. Why you mad?

Hope you all had a good weekend!

Welcome Back~!

1 comment:

  1. Every time I make a post I perceive to be good, you come out and own it haha.. Nice post man -- keep it up! I love the Toxic pic by far the best of the bunch..
