I have reset my Kill/Death and am now going to build back up with "legitimate" kills. I don't kill many (if any) randoms, so all new kills will come from Family or pledges that help Family. I am only human though, and as such I reserve the right to hit people that are generally annoying/stupid, or that I just do not enjoy (looking at you Sigurd and Money4Nothin).
Now onto the PvP fun~! Some of these were before my Kill/Death reset, and some were after. I will try to keep a running update on my new ranks in future posts.


Crang. Chao end lol. I whispered him, as shown in the screen...he never got back to me.
Devil. I was cheer squad for this one. You're welcome.
DreamEater. Chao end. Dropped cockatrice doll and BComr, but hit pledgemate picked up the Bcomr qq. Then Dream whispers me and asks me how I like his cock lol. I like this kid. I don't know if I knew him on LoA or not, but he is another one of those people that just has fun and will goof around. Then try to kill you in the field...lol^^.
Hatred. Check out the sexiness that GM Zero and GM Code added to the game. The kill shout for sieges. It is fun to see how much happens in the siege as before it was hard to keep track as there were too many people running around and it was too chaotic lol.

Before I get into all 9 (new record!) of Bo's ends I would like to say a few words. Although I do not think Bo is the most talented elf, he is not terrible either. The same day that he racked up most of these deaths I ran into him 1v1 while I was grinding GP. Most times he would just ignore me and random (smart), and the times that he would stay he actually did decent for an elf lower level than my knight. He would make sure to keep me erase/cancelled. He would pollute me after cancelling me. And he would keep some distance before triple spamming me. I did not kill him 1v1 and he did not kill me. Which leads me to the conclusion that...
..Family hates Bo. All 9 of his deaths were in larger pledge vs. pledge fights. I rarely saw him get immuned, and even if he were immuned the Family mages were not doing much to heal him through getting hit. It was a little sad to be honest. Bo would run around the fights casting Nature's Blessing to heal his pledge and try to triple people that his pledgemates were targeting. And once Zero pledge would start hitting him, he was left high and dry lol.